
>> Friday, January 23, 2009

After much consideration, I've decided it is time to experiment with making my own drop spindles. I've looked at thousands of them. My husband is great at making wooden ones; I'd like to try making some stone ones. Many spindlecrafters use "found" materials instead of carving/cutting their own, and that's what I'm going to do. Here's what I've come up with:

50 mm stone donut beads

9" black wooden chopsticks

I am going to pick some cheap rubber grommets from Napa or Home Depot to attach everything together. I may or may not make my own hooks - first I will have to see what my usual cup hooks look like against the wood. If I do decide to make my own, I will buy some 18 gauge wire and bend them.

The most exciting part? I'm going to attempt to use a drill press to cut a notch in the stone. Wish me luck! I will post pictures when I make the attempt. Everything has been ordered, so it will probably be a week or two before I get the materials.

Has anyone else made spindles? How did that work for you?


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